Do you have a special/custom project requiring flow measurement and/or control?

We can design, engineer, and build piping skids for any application. We have created various skids with flow meters, pumps, VFDs, control valves, analytical instrumentation, etc. for a variety of different special applications. See some of our work below.

3-phase flow test loop for testing gas void fraction flow meter capability
A multi-phase flow test loop complete with flow meters, control valves, separator, pumps, VFDs, etc.

Several flow meter manufacturers have approached us about testing the ability of their Coriolis flow meters to handle entrained gas. We designed and built a complete flow test loop allowing them to compare against a reference separator and dial-in precise flow rates, water cuts, and gas void fractions at a substantially lower cost than other flow testing facilities.

Solar-powered water injection controller
A solar-powered water injection controller
for a waterflooding application

A California oil producer approached us about a special water injection control application. CalGEM sets strict limits on injection pressure, and the producer was getting cited for exceeding the limits. We created a dual injector scheme for both the tubing and casing with flow and pressure control, and tied the injection controllers into their SCADA system via 900 MHz Ethernet radios. Our solution allowed them to control injection flow rates and pressure throughout the lease at a substantially lower cost than the alternatives while successfully preventing further citations.